One of the most underscored games on Gamespot

User Rating: 8.9 | The Suffering: Ties That Bind PC
The game is seriously underscored. Really. There'a little not to like in it. Sure, the action get a bit repetitive, but in what shooter it doesn't? Besides, the action is kept very intense, so the repetitiveness isn't that obvious. Add to that a heavier reliance on the monster, and it's gold.
Positive things:
The concept of three different morality starts in addition to 3 morality endings mean you can play the game 9 times! Well not nine, but 3 at least, since each start has a different impact on the story and the gameplay.
Monster technique got developed. Each morality - good or bad - has it's impact on the monster's looks and attacks. The arsenal got enlarged - more weapons means more fun! Over all story is great.
Negative things:
One might claim the story being ripped off "Fight Club". The game really encourages you to play good morality, since neutral an evil aren't as rewarding. The game feels like more of the first game, just with extra stuff bolted on. (personally, I'm not complaining). The good morality monster is really ugly.
Overall the game is really good, just with a few minor misses here and there.