this game kicks @$$
User Rating: 8.1 | The Suffering PS2
the suffering is a horror game that foces is pure action. the three endings add a feeling that your controling your own fate. it also gives you one or two more playthrous. it starts out like this, you are torq you have been convivted of killing your wife and two boys you ars sent to abbott state penitentiary on carnatecarnate island you do not remember anythin that has to do with the murrders. as soon as you get in your cell hellish monsters. there are three different endings. the ending you get is based on your good/evil score wich your is calculated buy your actions with other surrvivers of the monsters. thats all im tellin you so go out and get this game a grate story and intrestin monsters make this game a must buy if you dont mind alot of blood and cursing. the bargin price of just less the $20.00 dosent hurt ether.