"There is a monster inside you Torque, time to let it out"
Morality: The game has a morality system that determines if Torque did the crime or not. The morality of Torque is determined by his actions with other survivors. If he is good he will save the other survivors, and by save I don't mean help them half way and then let them die. There is no half-assing it in this game you have to start from the beginning of the game with good all the way to the end without letting anyone die or help them to the point that an image of your wife pops up on screen and you hear her voice say something like "that was the reason why I married you". Most of the people you help are just asking for you to help them survive, but some ask for something like close the cell doors to trap him away from the monster (he was crazy to think that would stop them but hey he asked for it). The same goes if you are evil you have to be evil from the beginning killing everyone that you see. If you decide to half-ass it you will get the neutral ending which is a mix of both and not the best out of the 3 possible endings. Out of all of the moralities good is the hardest since you have to kill yourself and restart to a checkpoint if the other survivor dies, it happens every once in a wile but it happens at the worst times.
Game play: The game is a strafe lock shooter similar to max payne or gun. Your right analog stick determines where you look and shoot while in 3rd person. You can also change to 1st person which is pretty good too. You have a flashlight similar to silent hill (since it is attached to your chest and only goes a few feet) to help you see since the adventure is really dark. The game is a shooter that is really bloody since you kill a lot of these monsters. The game also has moments when Torque is haunted by his past. During these moments he will see or hear the ghosts of his family which will take Torque into a flash back that happens in the time of the game. That means if you are in a flash back monsters will surround you so that after the flash back they will kill you and by surround I mean 2 feet away so be careful. The shooting parts are fun and have enough ammo to take all the monsters out, and some pretty useful guns like shotgun and tommy gun to help you take them out. You don't only have to take out the monsters with guns and shivs (prison made knife), Torque has a monster inside of him that when he lets out is the most power full of all the monsters except the bosses. The monsters attacks don't change though out the adventure but he is really powerful anyway. The monsters in this game a inspired by all of the different executions used at different time on the island, like decapitation, lethal injection, and shot to death. The monsters all looks great and are pretty scary. The design for all of them are original and make you feel like you really are killing a monster. There is only one problem with the game play and that has to be that images of the monster and different scary things will pop up covering the screen, at first it is scary then it is annoying to the point that I also stop playing but by that time the game is almost at an end anyway. The game is pretty long though 12-14 hours.
Graphics: The graphics are pretty good for the time. The character models look great but could have more details. The monsters on the other hand have a great amount of detail and look better then Torque himself. The graphics also did a great job with the blood effects since Torque will get a huge amount of blood on him. Sadly there are a lot of graphic glitches like Torque, or the environment, or even the monsters going invisible. Also there are some glitches were Torque moves like he is strafing to the right when he is walking forward. The glitches can get pretty bad a times, but the game is still worth it.
Sound: The game's sound is great from the footsteps to the gun sounds. The voice cast is awesome, too every one's voice fits the character. The soundtrack plays the right music at the right times and plays them in a creepy way which only adds to the experience.
Closing statements: This game is one of my favorite horror games I have ever played and is really worth your time and money. It is fun and scary and worth having in your collection. The suffering is a great game that makes you think about the insanity of this world.