Well.. It's alright but not THAT good, it's not all it's cracked up to be but believe me when it says over 18 it means over 18, this game will have you sweating in your own lounge. You will be quite frightened about this believe me, you'll be jumping out of your seat, you need alot of strategy to be able to play this game and also alot of patients to be able to complete it, it's also that type of game to make you jump, yes i mean it lol.. Jump, the 'Monsters' come down from the celing, through the walls, whatever, and kill every alliby that you have with you, to get through this rely on nobody, just yourself.
Prison. Many people have this certain view of the big house...you know metal bars, security cameras, the bulls storming a holding cell where Edward Furlong is getting fu*ked in the a$$. Sorry....I saw that movie Animal F... Read Full Review
The game is based in the Abbot State Penitentiarie. I would have to say that they did a great job of putting the real penitentiare in the game. The graphics of the game are well done everything looks great in the game.... Read Full Review