Only the truly Sick need apply!

User Rating: 8.4 | The Suffering PS2
Of the many games in the horror genre most do stick to a certain formula. The Suffering however attempts to go into a bit of uncharted waters with its storyline and ways to play. I have played my fair share of games and I have never encounterd one quite this graphic. Hearing the voices talk to you, goading you to decide one way or the other to kill whoever is near you is a bit on the disturbing side. Being a horror/splatter film fan, this is exactly the kind of thing I've been waiting to see but was a bit surprised when I did. While the controls are a bit hard to get used to I found that for what it is the game did a good job. There are some creepy moments and I found myself going back to play again to listen to the voice I didnt the first go around. Overall I believe this is a good step towards creating more games that dont quite follow the rules of the others.