Don't get me wrong the game is pretty good, but....
User Rating: 8 | The Suffering XBOX
Overall this was a good game. And coming from me that actually means a lot. I almost strictly play RPGs and the occasional FPS. The story was pretty good for an action game, and the graphics and sound were both nice overall. I did have a little bit of slowdown, but that might just be due to the age of my xbox so I won't knock any points off for it. The gameplay is really the problem here. The controls are not bad, but I would not consider them to be very good either, and there were a few glitches in the game. In one area I kept getting stuck inside a room because if I hit the action button next to the wall it would teleport me into it. It would then take 5 minutes for me to get out. But the other glitches were not as bad and didn't really take away from the game. The main reason it is getting an 8 is the monsters. They might not be as scary as thing from the RE or SH games, but I thought the idea of basing them off of different ways that prisoners have been killed throughout the ages was a pretty cool, though slightly disturbing idea. Being able to turn into a freakish monster is also a plus. And when I wasn't lost (which was about 80% of the time) the pace was good and exciting. There's also some replay value because there are different endings, which I have not gotten, but if I remember correctly they affect the sequel if you like this enough to buy it. One for being good throughout the game, one for being bad, and one fro transforming a lot. If you like action or survival horror games pick this one up; I'm sure it's pretty cheap these days. I also liked it enough to buy the sequel, so look for my review on that in the future. I'm hoping the GS review was off and it's just as good.