This game is the only game that i have played besides Manhunt that will let you leave out your most terrible fantansys.
User Rating: 8.2 | The Suffering PS2
To start with this game isnt like other games that are straight forward and you know what is going to happen before it happened. However this game has many surprises up it sleave. The man character is an hardcore badass that doesnt take crap form anybody, even creatures form you most darkest dreams. There are several different kinds of monsters that you have to face, most of them are touch and some are push overs. Dont think just becouse you are a man that this game wont scare you cause the music and the random monster accurances you will be of the edge of your seat for at least a month, turst me. So with that said not to say any spoiler i leave you with this, you must play this game just for the scary theam.