I cut my teeth on the original Baldur’s Gate so my experience with RPG may not be as long as others. The Temple of Elemental Evil even with its few bugs and greedy NPCs is still an enjoyable game. I never did finish Never Winter Nights, as I was just never happy with my characters, maybe I need a larger party. You can have up to 5 characters and as far as I can tell this is a good balance. Twice now I have had my party at level 4 before moving to Nulb (the second town prior to the temple). Yes I have started over once was unhappiness with my characters and the second time as I made the mistake of letting a NPC join my party. NPC will take what ever they want and not share. Even though I had picked up a very entertaining NPC (a bard) it could not negate his taken of everything and getting burdened by weight. Only after choosing a lawful good party did I get into a fight right away to see how well my characters did. If this happens to you, from the start in Homlet, I suggest that you go left and up a little to the woodcutter and do his quest. This is a good little battle with two Giant spiders to test your party. The game is a little jerky at times when you get into a large battle but not so bad as to warrant not playing. Speaking of large battles you can get into some really big ones. And nothing is more satisfying than walking away from one of those. So even with the few quirks I mentioned this will defiantly be a game I will finish. Hopefully they will follow up with another game I can take my level 10 characters even further.
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