User Rating: 5.8 | The Thing PC
Gamespot reviewer has once again got it about right (although as usual score is a bit assumes to keep advertisers happy or something) - OKish game spoilt by awful interface that makes it stupidly hard to hit the small fast moving critters that make up the bulk of monsters in many levels - for example, even with the patch its almost impossible to get the elevation/inclination to hit critters that are close to. Also, patch fixes mouse look (which halfwit decided to release without this feature?)...almost.... but you seem to lose the colour indicator that is meant to give an idea of monster health. And if you're into produce a horror game that's actually no more than a shooter, for goodness sake don't limit save games. Some people might find going over the same ground over and over again satisfying - I and many others find it tedious. Otherwise; graphics alright, no major bugs (at least not at the abominable level of recent games like Chaser) and Ok storyline. But not what you'd actually call scarey. And boss monsters for god's sake! Why can't game designers get over a 20 year old strategy to delay progression through the game and stop producing these over powerful, "you have to shoot it in this specific way" type of encounters. Fine for kids on consoles but not really for a PC game. So, overall OK but a bit on the mediocre side - yet another almost made it but not quite.