Surprisingly Fantastic. Great game to play in the dark :]
I bought this game on a 3 for 10 rack at a store that sold what can only be described as recycled rental games. I kinda figured it would be just an impulsive buy that I would play once, set onto a shelf, and never touch again. For a while, that's what happened. The game starts off slow, and I got a little confused navigation wise in the dark winter environment of the game.
I picked it back up about a month later and just figured i would try to get past the raging winter opening level. I realized that it wasn't that hard, and upon finding a crashed alien aircraft, I was hooked. And that was far before blasting the guts out of my first alien scum.
The game has a rather captivating storyline. I've never seen the movie, but I love this game. The environments are all equally disturbing and rather uncomfortable if you stand there for a long amount of time. The team play in the group is very complex, and the AI is incredible.
Trust me, if you are into survival horror, give this game a chance.
Even if it takes you an extra month before you decide to slide it into your console, I promise, its worth a play.