For those who have seen the film (of the same name) you will be instantly be in familiar territory on starting the game as it continues pretty much straight on from the film. But can a game based on a little-known B horror movie be any good? The answer is a definite yes. While showing their age now, the graphics are still solid and when combined with the haunting sound, really create an isolated world in which you are hopelessly immersed. The game features a great emphasis on party member interaction; the fear of other members of your party and their trust in you plays an integral part in progressing through the game. For instance, giving weapons to a frightened individual will lower their fear factor and increase their trust, not surprisingly the bigger the weapon, the better their response. The opposite is also true - taking ammo or weapons can lower their trust to a level where they refuse to cooperate and here coercion is possible by pointing a gun at their head. This however annihilates all trust. If a party member is overcome with fear they can even commit suicide. However, having said this you've got to keep a watchful eye on your party as any of them could be infected and become "things" right when you least expect it. Interestingly enough larger "things" can only be defeated by fire. I particularly enjoyed the tension created and maintained throughout the game; anyone and everyone could be infected. The storyline, while nothing spectacular progresses nicely and is still brings you back for more. The game remains realistic, for example you can only spend a limited time outside in the cold before you start to lose health and this also applies to the other members of your team. Overall the game provides a refreshing originality by combining elements of first person shooter with third person action adventure - and it's still terrifying. A worthy purchase.
"The Thing" might be a movie-to-game adaptation, but, unlike most of those, this game is actually good. The game picks up a few hours, or maybe days, after the movie ends. A rescue team is sent to determine th... Read Full Review
Thing continues from the movie which is a 1982 classic Science Fiction by. I never saw the movie so I cannot compare between the game and the movie. This is one of the few movies to game titles that are worth getting. Th... Read Full Review