Excellent game with unique elements based on John Carpenter's film.

User Rating: 8.4 | Yuusei Kara no Buutai X: Episode II PS2
Excellent game with unique elements based on John Carpenter's film. There are several fundamentals that make this game unique, among them is the fact that the game is considered an action/shooter but is very entertaining for survival horror fans. Trust plays a huge role in this game; your team must stay together while at the same time trust the other members of your team, you do not know who could be "The Thing" just like in the film. If you act sporadically or threaten a team member they may lose trust in you and turn on you. The game takes place in an arctic climate so whenever you are outside you are exposed to the elements and only have a limited amount of time before they take you over. This becomes difficult as you must venture outside to travel to other locations and complete missions in the game. To top off those elements in the game that you must keep track of, you must also fight the plethora of bestiary in this environment. The environments, characters and objects are graphically pleasing, however, the menus and floating icons above the heads of all the characters takes away from the games ability to be really "scary." The creature graphics are not done very well; blocky creatures with terribly jerky movements look humorous. The missions keep your interest and the whole "trust" factor adds a great deal to the game.