I couldn't find much survival, and even less horror, in "The Thing", yet it was a very satisfying action-base
The game picks up a few hours, or maybe days, after the movie ends. A rescue team is sent to determine the fate of a research team in an antarctic military facility, but the rescue mission soon becomes a survival one, as the shape-shifting aliens are practically crawling off the walls.
The graphics in "The Thing" are a little out-dated, but the character models are exceptionally well made, as each team member you encounter looks different.
the environments are pretty repetitive and so are the enemies (halfway through the game you'll pretty much meet every type of monstrosity "The Thing" has to offer).
The ambiance noises are the only touches of real horror in the whole game. The enemies are pretty noisy; even your teammates will react to the strange sounds throughout the game.
The gameplay is a little off for an action-based game, making the shooting a bit more difficult than it should be, but the abundance in ammo and health makes up for the quirky controls.
The AI of the NPCs are surprisingly good and they will be of great help throughout the entire game.
bottomline- go see the movie, then play the game; you own it to yourselves.