The Thing doesn't quite live up to the ambition; but despite being mostly smoke and mirrors it still delivers thrills.

User Rating: 7.1 | The Thing PC
The Thing was first and foremost an enjoyable game that took you to all of the places from the 1980's movie but failed to capture the suspenseful nature of the movie. Alot of potential was there and just enough of it was realized to make a good game but by no means a great game that will take up probably no more than 14 hours for a novice gamer and as little as 7 for a skilled gamer. One of the coolest features I was looking foward to was the suspense of not knowing which of my teamates might have already become things, however this was probably the most disapointing feature in this promising adventure game as his has no bearing on the gameplay. Moreover the game is scripted to take away most if not all of your friends at one point or another without any forewarning... in fact I found through restoring that sometimes you could avoid fighting a NPC turned thing by shooting them down as a test would reveal them to be perfectly human as late as only a few moments before the location where they are scripted to change into enemies. On the pc, The Things roots as a console game (not a true port as both versions were developed simultaniously) are very aparent in the form of save points and auto aim. Neither feature detracts from the game and only the save point feature is misused in one of the later levels of the game where you go an entire level without the benefit of a save location, which is practicaly unforgivable and gave me 2 hours worth of pain that was totaly unnecesary. The restart level is a partial saving grace for this feature, but it is only a partial fix as you cannot quit the game and restart the last level. On the whole, The Thing was an enjoyable adventure game with a great deal of satifying action and one or two tense moments making this title an average return for your 50$.