a nice game to revisit if you're bored and want to remember the old days...

User Rating: 5.1 | The Tick SNES
This game was a game made way back when but is certainly a game that is still within my memory. But then again, I pretty much remember most of my games. This is an action/adventure game where you just move from the left of the screen to the right of the screen while fighting ninjas. The screen moves every single time you clear out the enemies on screen but if you haven’t, then the screen will stay put. Once you’re done, the go arrow will tell you to move right along.

There are only a certain number of attacks in the game and you can call for help from your flying buddy for a certain amount of times. There are new ninjas every so often but they all share basic attacks so it does get a little tedious sometimes. There are many environments to fight on such as fighting on tightropes, in a volcano, in a restaurant, etc. The music is okay but it does get a bit boring sometimes. The sound effects are decent but kind of goofy and a bit stupid once you have played enough, which might not even have been the whole game yet.

The graphics is pretty decent too, and that is comparing it to today’s games. The graphics is not great but bearable and fun to go back to now and then. It is one of those old games with decent graphics and a bit fun to replay if you have it. When you fight, sometimes an ally joins you to fight the bad guys together which is kind of cool. When an ally is on screen, you are controlling both the ally and yourself at the same time. This may sound weird but it works out nicely. The boss battles are also very fun and challenging.

If you are reading this and own the game, you might want to revisit it if you want to play a classic side-scrolling fighting game again. A nice game to play again if you’re bored.