This Game has it all. Zombies. Typing. What more could you want? But Seriously, this game has what no other piece of typing software has; entertainment. Sure, as a game alone, its pretty average. I mean, its House of the Dead with the guns replaced by keyboards. The graphics are decent enough, and the sound is unfiltered House of the Dead cheesiness. But I think the point to stress it that this is the best typing software I've came across. I've been wanting some typing software, but they are too bland, and the typing feels like a chore. With this, I actually wanted to keep playing, trying to improve my 'grade', and of course, eradicate zombies. I recommend this to anyone who hates typing software that offers little in the of fun. Zombies, and typing...who knew!
The reason I am giving this game a 10 is because, quite frankly... its the BEST typing game on the market. There are no other reasons for the high score. If there was even ONE game better than this, I would probably gi... Read Full Review
Let's get the bad stuff out of the way: The graphics are very blocky, very ugly, very bland, etc. The character models are blocky, ugly, bland, etc. The voice acting is laughably horrific. (Takes the edge off of a r... Read Full Review