Underappreciated, unheard of and unbelievably brilliant. Play it if you can find it!
GAMEPLAY: There really isn't anything like this game, i suppose the game is a fighting game at heart but with more freedom in the map design. The 'mayhem mode' consists of one on one skirmishes as players pick from a wide variety of wonderful and totally unique characters. Two player is displayed on the one screen with the camera in the corner, zooming out as characters travel farther apart and zooming in when they come into close contact. Aside from just the skirmish mode is the strategy mode, which allows one of the most unique and best multiplayer modes i have ever seen in any game. Essentially the game is played almost like chess, certain characters can move farther, cost more, mine more (AUR is the currency used to purchase additional warriors and can be collected by positionining units over the glistening gold hexagons). All in all the gameplay is fantastic, i could spend a long time describing all of the little unique features but that would take way too long and i couldn't be bothered.
GRAPHICS: The graphics carry that signature style of the crystal dynamix games such as pandemonium, they are clear, wacky and just suit the game so much, for its time this game looks great.
SOUND: There isnt a whole lot of music in this game and the sound really doesnt quite live up to the rest of the game, it's good but nothing really stands out, still this is only a very minor issue and doesnt take away from the experience of this game.
VALUE: If can actually find this game, you will spend countless hours playing with either friends or just against bots. While the srategy campaign is short, mastering every character is a serious challenge and will keep you occupied for hours. Check e-bay, this game is seriously a must have.
PROS: All of the above, multiplayer is fantastic.
CONS: The single player is good but not fantastic, buy this game for its multiplayer.
Come on give us a sequal!