Very Good Way better than sims 2. Plus there is more objects and talking to people is easy. But not enough touch screen
User Rating: 8.3 | The Urbz: Sims in the City DS
ok so i have both the urbz and the sims 2 and i like the urbz so much better. I mean all you do in the Sims is run a hotel and there is 4-5 places that you can go. In the urbz you can buy any house you want and have more objetcs and you can go to jail and not have to pay 200 dollars right away.In the sims 2 the beds don't even touch the wall they sit there in the middle of the room.And once you buy a building in the sims 2 you have to wait 8 real life hours to see it! And moving objetcs is hard compared to the urbz. So in my opion I think they should come out with another urbz like game.If you like the touch screen go with the sims 2 but i hate to warn you its very short.