I tried so hard to like this "game." When I first saw it in a magazine, I made a mental note to buy it. When it finally went on sale for like 10 bucks, I thought, "Yahtzee!" But this thing is so horrible in almost every way. Its biggest selling point, the graphics that everyone gushes over, aren't really that good. I've got everything maxed out on a GTX 1070 and, honestly, I've seen deer hunting games that look just like it.
I was vaguely interested for the first part with the train. After that, I lost all interest. 90% of this game is running painfully slow down an endless dirt path. There is no auto-run option, so your left pinkie will cramp up with how long you've been holding it. You can't jump. There are invisible walls everywhere, which means the open world isn't nearly as open as it appears. You can't drop off ledges to save time; you have to run all the way around. Every time I try to give this game another try, I end up pointlessly running until I end up back where I started. Most games are cleverly designed to lead you from place to place, through lighting and natural level layout. This game has none of that. Every direction looks the same and you'll often find yourself lost in shrubbery, wondering why such an area was even put into the game.
The story and sound bits generally make no sense. I got the impression I was viewing one of those independent art galleries where a man covered in green paint repeatedly hits a telephone with a foam hammer and we're supposed to see a deeper meaning.
You can't save the game, which means if you need to leave to address real life problems, you either have to leave the game running or just bite the bullet and start where it last saved, 20 minutes earlier.
This is one of those games where I don't understand the hype. It's like Gone Home: Lost in the Woods. Save yourself the money and just watch someone else play through it on Youtube.
And why do I have a hand grenade?