Different , bizzare , weird , peculiar ... The Void deserves , at the least , these words .
The Void(TV) , I can sum up as a first-person RPG adventure . You're play in first person mode , where you must manage your resources , your stats , and your decision wisely . Everything you do is consequential .
The game , is , H-A-R-D . Simply because of the resources , the Colour . To interact with a Sister , to attack , to move in the *world-map* aka TV , you need Colour . You can harvest Colour by planting trees , but that requires Colour . There's more , depeneding on the colour you harvest , your farm will attract aggresive Brothers or Predators that'll suck your resources ! When you stay in TV , your Colour RAPIDLY depletes . Luckly cheat is avaible .
The learning curve is steep , it takes a lot of thinking to understand how the whole stats config works . You'll be pouring colour in Hearts , which you must traverse the atmospheric chamber and seek a Heart . Again , different colour give different stats .
You'll be drawing shapes to donate colour to a Sister , which causes her to do a sexually suggestive pose . At first they're covered slightly with bright lights but as you donate more , they'll become more naked . Art ? Perversion ? You choose .
Enemies look completely bizarre , first smaller , then bigger , next , the Brothers , complete macabre and horror . Using colour to draw shapes , you can launch homing missiles , shield , etc . The colour you use affects the damage on the Brothers . Based on the rotating ring on the upper right , the highlighted colour will cause the most damage .
In TV , you must make quickly decisions as your health rapidly depletes . Every move must be thought out carefully or you'll run out of colour .
If you don't use cheat , prepare for grinding . You'll have to travel back and forth from your garden , to collect colour to donate . You can't even carry much .
Choices ? Overflowing , it can cause tension . The main aim for a new player is open 2 hearts of each sister . It's not a MUST to open 4 hearts of the sisters , neither killing all the brothers . Helping a sister will cause a brother to fight you , should you help ? Or fight ? Doing certain task by a non-supportive brother causes a supportive brother to fight you ? Do ? or not do ? Choose . But choose well as your time ends at period 35 , the game has a countdown fyi .
The voice-acting is great , especially the first sister . The Brothers didn't fall behind , their sounds match their macabre look , and some will surprise you , with one Brother , there's an ironic approach on *Don't judge a book by it's cover* . During battles, a cage fight of 1 vs 1 , a Brother will chant their battle prayers . However their repetition might be annoying at times .
The story are told mainly by dialogues by the Sisters , Brothers , Colours , and one more... But the confusing part starts . Each group has its own story . The sister tells us our destiny is too free them so they can get to the Upper Limit and create new life , and define TV as just a limit . Our task is simply to sacrifice ourselves for a greater good . The Brothers however , is devoted to keeping the distribution of colour in check . Disciplining Sisters who are said to weaken their god , the Sleeper , and regarded TV as heaven , which Sisters regarded them as hell . The Colours then , are ambiguous . They will tell you to save yourself or save a sister . Another group .. You'll know . So if you arrange the pieces of the plot into one coherent picture , you'll understand what TV is about . Sadly the ending is disappointing , eventhough there's ending for saving yourself , become a keeper , or saving a particular sister . There should be 11 ending since there's 9 sisters , but the variation is only the poem at the end . The rest is the same !
TV is simple different , you're not looking at a generic game .
If you're looking for something "out of the box" like The Path , then this is game you're looking for .
Enter The Void .