The First Season of The Walking Dead Game Comes To It's Final Conclusion

User Rating: 9 | The Walking Dead: Episode 5 - No Time Left X360
"Lee and Clementine, how far you have both come together and we find ourselves here."

That is what I thought playing this final chapter of the amazing five-part Telltale season of The Walking Dead game. I wondered how it would all end for this amazing journey we have all taken together, wondering how far Lee would go to protect Clementine. How far we would go to protect her, through our choices in the game.

I can honestly say Episode 5 - No Time Left, has brought the final conclusion to this game and it has fulfilled me. It was heartbreaking, the final moments of the game watching Lee and Clementine's final moments together. The situation is presented perfectly, the dire situation facing the group. Walkers are everywhere surrounding our characters, and their fates seem destined to one fate.

We know it's coming, many sacrifices for the chance to save one from such a fate. That is the feeling between our characters, as they seem to give up on their self-centered ambitions, and feelings in order to save one life from a grim fate. I believe this final part of this game's season, follows in typical The Walking Dead manner. Characters fall, final goodbyes and intimate revelations are made and we finally become so entwined with our group that we feel sadness.

The Good:

- A fulfilling end to this season of The Walking Dead game, and a heart wrenching finale at the end.
- Some well placed action sequences, that feel more dire, and grim than any of other episodes had.
- Lee and Clementine's final moments are played out well, and emotions run wild.

The Bad:

- It's short, I was slightly disappointed with how short this episode is since it was the final part of the season. I expected more time to be given to the final moments of the characters, but some scenes were far too short to say goodbye to a character we have followed since the beginning.
- Lee and Clementine's final moments were portrayed well, but more could have been explored with a few minutes more of sequences and intimate dialogue.

All in all, I have followed this first season of Episodic parts to The Walking Dead game. Every two months I have faithfully gone out and purchased the points to buy each Episode of this game, and it has been worth every penny, and moment as a fan of The Walking Dead in general.