May not be what you'd expect from Telltale. But it is definitely a masterpiece of art and design and narrative .

User Rating: 9.5 | The Walking Dead: Episode 1 - A New Day PC
To say this is a puzzle game would be an outright lie. The puzzles are more akin to those in Half Life 2. A way of progressing to the next scripted sequence or cut scene. So the game isn't a puzzler, what is it? I would describe it as an action-RPG. Yes, I know what you're saying. That it has no leveling mechanics or complicated loot system. But what it does have is a fully responsive game world, full of choice and consequence.

In conversations, you have a limited amount of time to answer inquiries. Characters will respond to things you say or things you don't say, you can literally go through most of the games completely silent. There are points where you must talk but these are points where a response is necessary. People will treat you differently according to what you do or say. There is a point in the game when you have to choose whether or not to let a bitten girl kill herself. When you get bitten you turn in to a zombie apparently, and she pleads for you to let her kill herself. You can give her the gun or try and save her. If you let her end her own life, the consequences carry on right until the end of the game.

That's the beauty of this game, in some games that emphasise player choice, it makes a point of telling you you made that choice at any point it can. It's basically shouting "look at me, you said that and now I'm angry about it". Those types of games lack what I call flow. Flow is when you barely realise that what happened, happened because of what you did. The Walking Dead achieved this with flying colours.

Having never read the comics or seen the TV series, this was a completely new story line for me. The story is obviously the main focus of this game. And by story, I'm not limiting that to the main narrative. Character development and lore is abundant throughout the game.

Sure this game has flaws, but the flaws are only applicable if you consider this game as one of Telltale's signature puzzlers. You have to think of it as something else, such as an action-RPG without leveling or stats. This is easily the easiest game I have ever played, but it's also easily the best written and designed. And the many creative zombie deaths Telltale produced never get old.