The third episode in the series, which we've all been waiting quite some time for. Does it live up to the wait?
I gotta say, I love how the episode started out and how things wen't "back to normal" after what happened in Episode 2. However I felt a slow but certain decline in the story. Although quite a few things happened and you had a knot tied around different ends, I also felt that some things were left hollow or empty, or without a proper end to it, I won't spoil anything but there is especially one thing from Episode 2 that isn't mentioned one bit of in Episode 3 which I really had expected. With that said, the game is still a marvel and excels at a great gameplay with some crazy choices, plus there are some twists where you really just can't say nothing but "Holy jebus!".
Also, it comes to no surprise that these games are somewhat "easy" in terms of completing different scenes you playout, however what makes them "really hard" are the tough choices you're met with, which there are a few of in this game aswell as there were in the previous!
The music, voices and sounds really drag you into the series and adds to the experience no doubt!
The graphics stay the same but are almost timeless as they are, artistic and colorful in every way, and the fact it has that comic book feel to it, is just amazingly charming through every episode! I think Episode 3 is a great addition no doubt, it's not as good as Episode 2, and I'd probably put it a tad lower than Episode 1, I do that because I feel that Episode 3 is more of a "filler". It feels as if it's made just to fill some gaps and give off a tad of entertainment, it didn't feel as "open ended" and standalone'ish as the previous episodes did. BUT with that said, get it, cause it is great entertainment, it's a great filler and it has a replay value just as the other Episodes! GO GET IT!