Zombies for kids

User Rating: 1.5 | The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct PC
Was pretty excited when I first heard about this game. I loved Zombie Fortress despite all its bugs, and I've spent many hours on Kongregate playing some remarkable flash games in the same genre.
And now, finally a zombie survival game with some serious budget!

The first thing I notice when starting up the game is a reticle and inside the reticle I see the rest of the game... Hmm ok. Guessing it's a port and will try to find some way to fix the fov. But first I will give the game a chance.

Second thing I notice is that everything I can pick up is shining bright, no way to miss those...
Well maybe they concentrated on the combat more then the survival bit, I read that you had to sneak, be quiet and perform cool executions with your big combat knife. Well it could have been nice if the freakin' execute command actually worked.
When sneaking up behind the zombie a big white text tells me to press the shove action button to execute, and what happens? I shove a very surprised zombie in to the bushes... then later call his friends and comes after me...
But hey finally some action I grab my knife holding the button to execute a powerhit straight in the zombies eye. The zombie shrugs it off. I hit him three times in the eye before he dies.
Conclusion it takes ca 1 sec to charge the powerhit and a zombie needs 3 off those to die.
The normal hit is instant and a Zombie can take 4 off those...

No save your money and go for the excellent indiegame Zombie Fortress, the graphics is pretty much the same but the gameplay is way WAY better!