Just because this game isn't as bad as you thought, doesn't mean this game is good.

User Rating: 4 | The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct PS3
Let's just say that because this game isn't as bad as we thought, doesn't give us an excuse to fool ourselves into thinking this game is decent. We all know the graphics were lackluster in this game, so I will move through that point fast. The graphics are a little better than a ps2 game, maybe early this generation of consoles. The backgrounds looks better than the walkers(only 3 different types) and humans in the game. However, the locations in this game are very generic and boring. Here a few points that I want to hit in this review:

As you will notice early on in the game is the combat. While using the knife, you basically have to slap the zombie in the face 4 times causing them to fly backwards as stiff as a board. Later on in the game some melee weapons will allow you to one-hit kill a walker in mediocre style. The knife stealth kill animation is nice at first when you sneak up on walkers, however it gets boring and actually hinders your ability to fight in some aspects. While this animation unfolds, there is no way to stop it, so walkers from all sides of you can hit you while you perform this move. Nevertheless, it would have been nice if they created animations for stealth kills with other weapons, but they didn't. Other weapons can been found such as shotguns, rifles, pistols, a crossbow(of course), axes, bats and other weapons. However, guns usually are the secondary weapon of choice and all guns act the same(since you can only shoot the zombies in the head to kill them). Creating too much noise will cause zombies to come find you(sometimes).

That brings me to my next point...the zombie AI. In some situations, the AI is spot on. If you make a noise, they will find you, investigate or they will see you from yards away and confront you. Other times, you can shoot their friend right next to them and they might walk the other way. Also, they cannot reach you if you stand on top of a car or in a train car, giving you the chance to pick them off one by one. This unpredictable nature of the zombies can make the game too easy. Other times, zombies will spawn behind you and overrun you quickly. In this case, there is a real-time event when a zombie grabs you, where you have to line the button up to the zombies head(while pressing it), this in turn puts you one on one with a zombie(in a crowd) and allows you to kill them in one hit. In many cases, it is easier to use this real-time event to your advantage and pick zombies off one by one while fighting a horde.

Another way in which this game disappoints is the traveling sequences(staring at a map much of the time), it all gets too predictable over the course of the game. I really wish they allowed you actually drive the vehicle. You can choose three routes(text based choices), which include highways(conserves the most gas). Each of the three choices gives you the chances of finding supplies and breaking down. If you break down, the game will bring you on a side mission to fight a horde of zombies and receive gas and supplies. Again, this gets old after a while. I agree that the inventory works pretty well, where you only have a set amount of space for weapons and supplies. However, collecting the same weapons and supplies over and over(such as energy drinks for health), drags the game down.

The voice acting in this game is actually one of the things that shines. Norman and Mike really seem like they put a lot into these roles and make the game bearable. Without those two, the game wouldn't even be worth mentioning. The other survivors do a pretty good job at supporting them, albeit the story is lackluster.

One other positive about this game are the survivors. The aspect of having a team and allowing survivors to help you find supplies is a great idea. However, a lot of times the survivors only find 1/3 of what you would find on your own. In most cases the reward isn't that great, but might make a difference when your close to running out of bullets.

My final point has to do with the reason many people have bought the game. As a prequel to TWD show, explaining how Daryl got his crossbow. To tell you the truth, I expected an Excalibur moment. Yet, I was very underwhelmed at the point he received his crossbow. I will not go into too much depth, but it was basically like "Oh, ok that's how he got it...that sucked."
I feel as though the walking dead's name was sold out here. There was so much source material to make this game great, but it just seems rushed. Also, Merle and Daryl without co-op? What a waste! I really wanted to like this game, since I am a big Walking Dead fan, but it was a 6-7 hour let down. I would say this game is not worth more than $20, if that. There is no game ending glitches that I have noticed yet, but there is nothing special about this game. This game is nothing more than a half-finished disappointment.