Could have been so much more, even being a big fan of the show the novelty wears off after about an hour of playing
User Rating: 6.5 | The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct PS3
It is your classic abuse of flashing a label to reel in players... I am surprised the people involved with the production of the actual t.v. show would let their image be dirtied by a game like this. I won't completely bash it, it does have some fun moments and few times of suspense when hungry mobs of walkers are at your heels. Hopefully for the fans/gamers they put a legit game together in the future, I would not have had Activision as my first choice, come on Naughty Dog, make a bid to do the full story of the Walking Dead with the complete AMC cast, and make some time making the best video game for what I feel is the best show on television. I feel the greatest disappointment of the game is the lack of connection between gamer and the cast of characters. Telltale did a great job with their story telling in the comic book style and memorable characters, which is why I feel the t.v. show is so successful. This version of the game is almost furthest from that with the exception that you are Daryl and his meathead brother makes a cameo. But the one thing it does satisfy is you get to take out your frustrations of bad game design out on plenty of walkers, so much that it feels repetitive if you want to play the game longer than an hour.