This was a great game you should see my review.
considering I was just at my freinds playing it, and the fact I just want to keep playing.The game was really hard at some pionts wiether your good or not but after a few tries youll get it for sure.The learning curve was non the less just a bit harder for me.The game will definitly grow on you and youll be hooked on the first try unless you like crapy games like star trek(lol).
The gameplay... genius,pure genius I say,you kick other gangs ass and trash stuff perfect for me but not infact not close to perfect.The graphics as I said earlyer is not quit good nor bad its ok but could have been better.The sound kind of shocked me but was surprisingly good to me,I dont know why but it was good.The value was perfect tons of stuff to do like work out for example or you can just rumble on mini game mode.I liked the game personally it would be on my shelf right now but it doesnt fit that description but once I beat the game it might just make itself up there.This game is somthing some people might want to rent befor buying like me for example and im still wondering.