Great beat-em-up, couldnt get much better,solid story,great graphics for portable system,almost feels lik a roam-around.
This game is addictive from start 2 finish( evn tho i havent finished it yet...). The punching and kicking nevr really gets old and ther r plenty of things u can do 2 ur oponent. Just smashing sum1s head into the wall is mor satisfying than it sounds. They also did a good job mixin the gameplay up a bit so u wont just punch and kick. can spray paint the Warriors sign on other gangs turfs and thers also an unlockable mini game for spray paintin. Ther r sequences in the game wer u hav to mash on a certain button or time ur button pressin just right 2 escape death.( lik runnin across buildings and timing the jumps rite.)U can also mug random peopl in te streets.( am I letting out 2 much?)
Graphics: 8
Definetly not bad wich means its pretty good. But u hav 2 consider the scale its on. Its almost a free roaming game. Ther is a lot of interactions between u and all the objects around u. The mouths move wen they speak( THANK GOD!) The only real thing they culdv improved was the shadowing...
Sound: 7
All the punches and grunts and yells r good, plus voice actin is gettin better. Ther is music in the background tht u can barly hear sumtimes but most of the time it fits the situation ur in. The ccutscenes r a joy 2 listen 2. Hearing all the gangs cuss each othr out is funnier than it sounds.
il stop ther since u get the point tht this game is totally worth the 20 buks.