The 1979 cult classic film, The Warriors hits the gaming world with one hell of a haymaker.
In the Warriors the most part you'll be doing is fighting, to that the fighting is great, limited combos keep you from remembering loads of combinations, but then brings in repetition, but since the brawls are so good, you never feel like your doing the same thing over again. Since there's limited combos, the enviroment is yours to use, simple things like trash cans and bricks and bottles can be thrown, but then it gets up to lead pipes and 2x4 sticks and sledgehammers, not all the weapons can be used for ever though, lead pipes are by far, the weakest weapons in clubs variety, about 4 shots with it will break it, whereas baseball bats can last for more than 20 hits with it. Also with the fighting, there's a squad menu to use, 6 commands which work brilliantly, "Lets Go" (follow me) "Watch my Back" (Cover me) "Wreck 'em All" (Waste opponents) "Mayhem" (Trash area) "Hold Up" (Stay your ground) and "Scatter" (Spread out). You'll have to use these commands all the time and they work very well. Your Warriors won't stop trashing thinsg untill they know that everything that can be trashed is trashed by selecting "Mayhem" And for the others. Sometimes you'll notice that you can't yell orders to your Warriors, your out of range that is, your character will point this out by saying they can hear me or something.
The characters in The Warriors are very well relised, because the script is so well written, you actually care about the Warriors, you'll probably have a favourite and a least favourite. For example, Ajax just likes to brawl and play with the chicks, he's a very serious and very funny warrior who has some of the best lines and moves in the game as well as the film. But, Rembrandt, the Gang's graffiti Artist is kind of the puff or boffin in the gang, he doesn't have as much confidence as the other soldiers, some of his actions get him into trouble, he has a pretty bad move-set compared to other Warriors. The Warriors are kind of likes pairs if you will. Vermin and Cowboy have the same move-set nearly, Cochise, Snow and Cleon have the martial Arts style moves, Fox and Rembrandt have the worst moves, Swan and Ajax have the same moves just. All of these Warriors have skills and bad points, Rembrandts got the best tagging skills, Vermin has the best Stealing skills, Fox has the best lock-picking and un-cuffing skills, Swan and Ajax have very bad tagging skills so spray painting with them is hard but passable. The Story itself is unique, instead of starting at Gunhill, as in the film, it starts with the an Cordlandt Park meeting, Cyrus getting shot and thats it, but then it goes way back in time to when and how The Warriors got started and their fight for Coney Island (their home turf) it seems that the made up story they've put in is better than the original. The men's Bathroom fight scene agaisnt the PUNKS is a highlight in the film, but not in the game.
But the main story from film to game is also good.
All in all, The Warriors is a great game, due to it's great story and characters. Even when you beat the game's 25 levels or some what, there's alot to do afterwards, hangout at Coney's streets helping people and making a nusiance of yourself, and even a Rumble Mode, which are just fun distratcions if you will. So, if your intrested in fighting games or just beat 'em ups all told, you should Defiantly check out The Warriors.