A hot mix of Stealth / Fighting & Tactical Team Based Action
As part of 'The Warriors' you play different members of the gang fighting for survial through New York's backstreets and alleys. You have help though in the form of other memebers which follow you around and can be issued with a series of commands more reminiscent of a tactical shooter.
You play through a series a objectives with mini bonuses and unlockables available along the way.
Essentially this is a beat 'em up but the additonal little player features make this more in depth and with the 'commands' option you are also giving a more strategic element to your gameplay. Gathering money to buy health & power ups there is more on offer than a standard fighting title. With the inclusion of some fun little touches. For example Car stereo thefts, in which you have to rotate the analogue stick to unscrew the 4 screws and nets you a handy $15 for each 'hot' stereo. NPC muggings and shop 'break & enterings' also nets you more green....As long as there is no law enforcement around which hampers your efforts and gives you a 'wanted' level where the police are determined to bring you down.
The graphics aren't completly crystal but this has the same looks as GTA so although not perfect it all looks very familiar. The controls are easy to handle too and the combos are never difficult and beginers will still be able to pull off some great moves which adds points to your 'Style counter'. The targeting system is also pretty good and doesn't let you down.
Not quite as free roaming as a GTA title its more similar to the claustrophobic arenas seen in Manhunt. Which means less exploring and more action.
As expected this is a Rockstar game with a Rockstar Adult theme. The fights & moves are brutal and the bad language is strong and frequent but this no different to the original film so its not out of place.
All in all i think this is a great game which tactical, fighting & stealth fans will all enjoy and i think is a step up from standard beat 'em ups.