User Rating: 10 | The Warriors PS2
The game is awsome any fan of the movie would love this. When I saw the previews fo rthis I thought it was going to be another knock off of GTA but man was I wrong this game is the farthest thing from GTA. If you love fighter and Role playing combiened then get this.. And if you are still deciding over a christmas gift get this. Most people say rent first including me but no with this game you can just by it and you will be sure to have fun for hours. The only thing it needs is raping or having random sex with girls. Thats not that worse then mugging peeps killing them beating tem robbing stores so that is the only flaw.

Some people thouht as well as I did that all you were going to have to do is run around and beat people. But they were wrong it has a whole story behind it. I dont want to give it away so if you really wantot know PM me. The graphics are great except when you are running and you nned to us the left anolog stick to move your view. Teh only really hard part to this game is when You are close to the end on 10 when you have to Chase LC it is hard for you not to be seen.

Then only other thing I hate about this game si the Stupid **** that talks whenever you lose a mission.. I HATE HER. Besides those few things teh Games is great.. FOR ranking like I say about anything else the higher the ranking the better the game and the greater the learning experiennce.. So for this game I would say 11^ the cursing is minor and teh blood shed is minor only when you get pissed off and want to beat them badly they throw up blood. I think Rockstar Toronto did a great job.

Here are some hints to help you though the game if you need money when you fight "BOSSES" like the Pimp mugg them i got 96 bucks from him. If you want more info look at the post on my blogs..

Ill be back with more game reviews after the 18th.