More Rockstar violence HOORAY!!!

User Rating: 8.4 | The Warriors PS2
Games based on popular properties are slowly ascending their way up the rungs of respectable gaming. ‘The Warriors’ is an addition to this trend. Although it may be far from a technical masterpiece, it is worthy homage to the 1979 cult classic and sticks faithfully to the source material, but above all, as a game it functions superbly. Bravo to Rockstar for their decision to turn ‘The Warriors’ into a video game. Their line of relentlessly violent and viscerally entertaining titles is fluently carried on. The game’s best moments are in the thick of any gang battle. Rockstar has really nailed the energy of a brawl. The moves at your disposal can be executed with ease and performing them on anyone is totally satisfying. You can slam heads against walls, beat them senseless on the ground, bash heavy metal items over their heads, it’s all just really badass and totally awesome. Once you’re on a roll and you fill that generic meter, you can enter what I call ‘freak out mode’ where you get this sudden burst of adrenaline and really kick some ass as well as become invincible for a while. Seeing the pile of wrecked enemy gang members crawling around your ankles after you and your boys are finished with them provides a delightful and rewarding joy. Combat is one thing this game has in aces. Where the game doesn’t shine so bright is its technical presentation. Textures are bland, faces are rigid, pupils never move and detail is scarce. The game runs on a very simplistic graphical engine. However, that said the game is definitely something on the artistic front granted mainly through its source material. The game looks and feels like ‘The Warriors’. It maintains that same dark atmosphere and characterizes each gang’s colours vibrantly. The sound is terrific particularly the voice work. Despite a few off lines (hey, that’s staying faithful to the movie too) they are spoken professionally and never really feel like they’re hamming anything up or tacking anything on. Sound effects are also fantastic and makes battle that much more satisfying. Another area where the game doesn't impress is its lame, lame, lame boss battles that are often annoying requiring you to chuck things at enemies who you can't reach. The last boss in particular lacks that epic sense that all grand finales should pack. A commendable accomplishment on Rockstar’s part is how faithful they’ve remained to ‘The Warriors’. Although the movie is based on the events of that one night after Cyrus is shot and the pursuit thereafter, the game additionally features a preceding back story. Nothing is screwed up or happens when it shouldn’t and a considerable amount is added to the game. On the contrary ‘The Warriors’ license is deepened further particularly when you can play ‘flashback missions’ and discover how and why each gang member became a Warrior. All the gangs from the film are here. Gang mentality is something the whole license really nails and something that the game really epitomizes on as each one has their particular theme.

In terms of it's lastability, The Warriors packs a decent amount in. It's multiplayer capabilities function well. However, once you're done and have seen everything you need to see (give it about 15 hours) there really is no reason to go back and play it again, unless you're a 100% perfectionist.

The Warriors has a lot going for it, certainly enough to make it an easily recommendable title. The fact that it is based on a film property is also quite remarkable.