If you like bloody beat 'em up games, then this is for you.

User Rating: 8.8 | The Warriors PS2
The Warriors is one of my favourite games to play, because it is fun, and it was on low price. There are many gangs to pick from, but you play as the warriors for a majority of the game. You get to play as all the characters in The Warriors gang. Each person has their own fighting combos, and their own abilities. There are a fair amount of missions/levels to play, and it goes back three months before Cyrus was shot. The movie just goes on after Cyrus was killed. You can free-roam the streets of Coney, mugging people, stealing car radios, do bonus objectives, and even break into stores and steal. You can choose if you want a large gang with you, or just by yourself. At your hideout there's a workout area where you can increase your skills.

The Gamplay, mugging dealers and some people could be a challenge, but it is easy mugging most people. The fighting style in this game is very good, it's easy to make combos on an enemy and see them all cut up. You can even spray paint in your opponents eyes, they will be blinded for a few seconds. The weapons often break easily, but it is fun to beat the **** out of other gangs. There are a ton of weapons to choose from, going from bottles, to bats with nails in them. There are pans, knives, planks of wood, etc. Using the environment to smash up other gangs is fun too, whether it's throwing them into a car, or fracturing their skulls on concrete walls. The controls are very easy to get used to, and then it becomes very fun. Destroying everything is fun too, just select the command "Mayhem" and your soldiers will destroy everything. So the gameplay in this game is very good. The game could be challenging at some parts, but it isn't hard.

The Graphics in this game are good, but they could use a little work, there are a few graphical glitches from time to time, but the graphics could be somewhat dull, and very ugly once in a while. The character models look very good, and when it shows the snapshot of what gang you are looking at for the first time is very cool. When characters get cut up, and beaten up, it looks very good, the way that Rockstar made it probably couldn't be much better, and the people in this game actually blink. The weapons look very good, and you can tell if they have nails in them or something. The artwork on some of the gangs are brilliant. The Graphics in this game are good, but then there is the downside of them, but at least they are decent.

The Sound is very good, there is very good voice acting, and when you are beating up someone, you hear blood gushing out of their mouth sometimes. There is quite a bit of swearing too, but it just makes the game even better. When you hit someone, whether it's with your fist, or if it's with a pipe, the sounds of them sound very good. The only thing I don't like about the sound is that people say the exact same thing over and over again, it might be annoying but it's there. That would probably be the only bad thing about the sound.

There is a two-player mode in this game, you can work together, or you can beat the **** out of each other with certain game modes in the Rumble mode. I feel kind of dumb not playing this game a long time ago, but I'm happy that I did. There are bonus objectives that you can do to upgrade your stats. You can even go back and replay the missions, to make your game percentage go up. You can also create your own gange, but you have to pick people from other gangs, which sucks. But you can mix it up a little which is a good thing. There is a Flashback mode, to see how all the members of the Warriors joined the gang, they are fun, but they are different.

Overall, The Warriors is a very good game, and it takes the movie back and shows you what all happened back then. There is very good gameplay, but the weapons break way too fast. The graphics are good, but they have their share of problems. The sound is extremely good, but there is that repeating thing. The value of this game is probably worth renting, unless if you like the two-player mode, which you can play with your friends. The Warriors should not be missed by anyone, I recommend it to anyone who likes fighting, gang wars, or a bunch of mindless killing.

Score: 8.9/10