ATM, Witcher 2 is the best of classical RPG which has all it takes to be the best RPG game in years since Oblivian.
User Rating: 10 | The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings PC
Witcher 2 has all it takes: best story, amazing graphic and environment design, very good game-play with friendly UI. The best is, it does support Xbox 360 controller which means Witcher 2 definitely come to Xbox 360 soon. The character have it own personality, very classified, Geralt is cold outside but he is very warm and sensitive inside. Triss is very beautiful, attractive female mage, she is soft in love but strong in battle. Further more, the character skill build and attributes also very special. There is no attributes actually, when you add skill point your attributes automatically changed, it save you a lot of trouble. Witcher 2 actually focus into fighting skills of the player, player have to use different tactics in different circumstances to have the best fight and defeat the opponents, I suggest we simply have to save/load a lot and reply a lot in boss fighting, it makes a lot of angry but also makes fun and satisfaction once you defeated the boss. Witcher 2 did fulfill my needs for RPG which I have been looking for years, most important it provides romance things which Elder Scroll very lack of, so I guess you can't wait for grasping it, can you?