A simple run of the mill game Review of The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings

User Rating: 9 | The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings PC
Witcher 2...I almost want to say "been there done that" but, I really haven't. Though it seems like your run of the mill RPG it has its diversities. The Characters are still brilliant, the voice acting doesn't disappoint, the Story line is crisp and unique, the Map, although not quite as large, still open and explorable, Quests, still strange, different and fun, Oh and not to mention the new graphics which at full specs look just beautiful. No, I'm not forgetting the combat system, which is just awesome compared to the first game. Though it's still a hack and slash based game, and the targeting system is a little shaky, even more so than Witcher 1, You don't have to wait most of the play through just to get all the different moves and combos Geralt whips out to kill his enemies. Also, the Strong/Normal attacking has been dumbed down to help us complainers who hate having to switch between three different attack modes just to kill different enemies to a simple Left click normal attack, Right click strong attack. Though it seems like there isn't really a point to them, small enemies don't dodge strong attacks that often as they would in the first game.
On a different matter, Witcher 1 seemed less like an RPG because of the incredibly small selection of weapons and armor. Any weapon you would find would be worthless, slung to your thigh or waist which you would just use for looks. Any weapon in this new and improved Witcher is your friend. You can use any weapon you find on the ground, which sometimes happen to be better than the trusty sword you already have on your back. The armor has been by far improved. From the three/four armor sets you can obtain in the first one to the several you can get in Witcher 2.
Pockets are available in this game as well as the old and trusty meditation. Potions cannot be used as freely in this game sadly. You can only gulp them down before battle in meditation mode, which now can be entered whenever you feel the need. Pockets come in handy(some of the time) but because you can't put any potions in them, It seems the Witcher makers decided to throw in Traps and Bombs, which have almost no point in the least. Traps are wasted much too fast and bombs really, just don't do that much work in a battle. They take up inventory space which may seem to be very small if you like to horde things (weapons, potions, ingredients, etc), and can become bothersome when you don't use them more than a couple times in the game (more than likely for a quest or an achievement of some sort)
The Character development in this game is quite similar actually. It seems developers caught on to how well they made it in the first one and didn't screw it over. It's larger and harder to max out but the upgrades are well worth filling out with the levels that come fairly easily toward you through-out the game.
Lastly, Crafting and Alchemy are one of the things that make this game tick as well at it does. You can purchase and find many diagrams and formulas for various potions, traps, bombs, weapons and armor which can be crafted at your local blacksmith for a small price and a few certain materials that you may be able to buy directly from him, or find out in the wilderness of the open world. As well as mutagens for increasing the output of your skills and enchantments for your armor and weapons to increase the damage / effect of them.
All in all Witcher 2 really is a brilliant game that can compare closely to the first one. In my opinion Witcher 2 holds the championship for being the better game, though, I wasn't there when Witcher 1 first came out and didn't really feel the full classicness of the game most first day buyers would. The game is unique and different. From it's bloodshed to its famous sexual scenes, Witcher 2 didn't let me down. Which is why I gave it a 9/10