Terrible Combat mechanism, Highly overrated, total mess.

User Rating: 1 | The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings PC
lolololo 9.1, really? This game has been the worst video game experience that i ever had in a RPG game.

First of all, The combat is atrociously garbage. It's basically "slash slash, swing swing, roll, roll, with magic tricks thrown in on the side" Blocking is flawed so bad. You can hold to block, but it's useless when facing 2 or more enemies. And to top it off, it doesn't even properly block any good either. Forget about the countering system, it's virtually non existent. Being surrounded by enemies in tight dungeon areas doesn't even feel fun because of the repetitive and trite combat mechanism

The beginning of the game may provide tutorials and such, but it's not even explained properly for newcommers to the RPG genre, it feels very difficult to maneuver and control everything around when the game basically throws everything 'all at once' at you and gives you no time to properly handle things one at a time.

The character inventory/menu is just bombarded with useless items, useless space wasting info on every single thing. It's organized, but it feels like a slopfest. When you buy things, gold coins(orens) don't even deduct from your inventory. You're not even sure if you you're buying or removing properly. There's no fun. It's not original/simple/neat. Doesn't have a fresh new feeling of starting a new game.

Also, saving system is horrible. I did an hour worth of gameplay time, and when i died, i had to start from the temple again. Apparently, you need to keep deleting old saves in order to get the new ones flowing. This is just plain out epic fail. Seriously? Not even a proper auto saving feature couldn't kill you guys to develop?

Overall, the game is a mess. I uninstalled it within 3 hours. Graphics were visually impressive, but it just didn't seem like it was worth my time. Assassin Creed franchise combat system was excellent, this one was just a bland, hasty, expedited failure.

Avoid this game like the plague.