Don't miss this game!
And you end up actually caring about your character! Geralt; with his neutral personality, superb voice acting and general "tough son o' **** - ness attitude to the events around him just make him a breath of fresh air compared to all our mute, strong silent types we're treated to recently.
The world you get to explore, although somewhat smaller then skyrim or KOA, is fun to explore, with it's inhabitants actually want to talk to you not kill you (for the most part anyway). Like just today i helped a troll and his lady troll get back together! i could've killed them, i could've killed just the one but it's nice to have the options you know?
That brings me to the quests, all quests, bloody all of them, have numerous outcomes depending on what you can be arsed to do and the main quests? the outcomes of them literally change the story as you are playing! the fates of a number of characters are at your fingertips and the story has so many twists and turns you generally get surprise to find that on a second play-through your then enemy now ally wasn't as bad a you thought or an old ally was actually a double agent or whatever.
Plus there's quite a lot of boobies in this one.