My First Witcher Game Ever
User Rating: 5 | The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt PS4
Hi Guys. I'm a lover of RPG games so I've played just about all of them except the Witcher. I only bought it yesterday and my first impression after playing Dragon Age Inquistion & games like Final Fantasy etc is so far I don't like it. I feel like giving it a zero but I won't due to my ignorance of this franchise. First there was no character customisation or choice of races or sexes as you play only a fixed character. Would have liked some choices there. Next the controls seem off on PS4. The character doesn't handle well moving, fighting or riding only swimming he seems fine. The menus and gui are a problem for me as I have to squint to try and read the descriptions on my 50" TV. Did they beta test this game? The graphics seem fair but I've not seen enough to make a judgement on that get. So far problems with the controls and tiny fonts in the GUI are discouraging me from wanting to continue. I'm not sure if I'll like this at all. I might try it for a while longer and if it doesn't do anything for me just delete it. There seemed to be much more dialogue and interaction in Skyrim & Inquisition than this which immersed you in their worlds. So far I just can't find anything to immerse me in this. I feel like it's too scripted and I'm just following orders instead of exploring and creating my own destiny. I'm welcome to any suggestions as I just bought this yesterday and it bores me so far. It feels so linear & scripted. If I'm wrong please correct me.