So first of all, I'd like to mention that I am a huge RPG fan; be it JRPG, Western, old school, etc as long as there is a story and a customizable protagonist I'm usually hooked. That being said I didn't like Dragon age 3 or get into Bloodbourne like I did with Dark souls. The Witcher 3 is the first RPG on the current gen that I even remotely like, which I do, I like it a lot. But for me, that really speaks volumes for the mediocrity of this gens video games and not how great the game is by it's lonesome.
Alright to the review! The Witcher 3 is great! Much better than the 2nd and I didn't play the first so there is no reason to bad mouth it. The graphics are pretty top notch in comparison to other games this big and CD Projekt Red did a great job of making this expansive game seem full. Tons of fauna, potion ingredients, and rabbits! But a lot of it seems superficial. Unless of course you pride yourself on killing rabbits (or drowners as they are just as harmless and abundant). It seemed like the game would have been better had they halved the size of the world and left the content the same. There just seems like too much walking if you don't like fast travel and the environments get kind of repetitive (albeit beautiful) since there isn't an awful lot to do in the world.
Game play is pretty good. Although it seems a bit more action oriented than RPG's traditionally are and with a lack of choice as far as character build it really just feels more like an action game while engaged in combat, not that it is a bad thing. The combat is really fast paced but at the same time very technical. If you take the time to learn all of your opponents and get familiar with the protagonist Geralt. You could take on a dozen enemies without losing any health or complete the game without allocating any of your skill points. That said it isn't easy if you follow the story while maintaining the recommended level. On the more difficult settings winning against a hard foe can feel very rewarding; although not as rewarding as beating a hard opponent in a game of Gwent!
If you asked me what the greatest thing about TW3 is, I'd definitely say it's the characters. They are single handily the greatest written characters in gaming period. Although sometimes the direction in which they develop seems questionable, like the seemingly forced nudity. Or the one line out of thousands where Geralts voice sounds weird. There really ins't a bad thing I can say about the 100+ characters in the game as they are all, really, just great. Voice acting, character progression, morality, decisions, the funny stuff, the not so funny stuff is what makes The Witcher 3 such fantastic game (well that and Gwent).
Well thanks for reading, It was my absolute first review! I hope I did well sensai!