If you are a fan of RPG style games then this game is most definately for you. The map is huge, the Skellige map alone is probably bigger then most other maps on other games and the game just looks great. The only thing id have to say about the map and the different locations that you can go to in the game would be the way that some locations kind of look the same with not a whole lot of difference between Skellige or Velen. Obviously your seeing much more of the ocean in Skellige map then you would in Velen but I could still tell that I was in Skellige but this seems to be a topic that people have brought up about the game and I sort of agree. But all the gameplay and terrific storyline of the quests and the witcher contracts, treasure hunts, side quests just make up any gripe you would have about the local differences. Some of the actual side quests have a storyline that is just as deep as the main storyline. The armor that you can loot from bodies, chests etc also look great and the crafting system just makes hunting for Witcher gear or any gear super fun in trying to get all of the ingredients of the diagram. The horse riding mechanics can be a little annoying sometimes and roche is abit of a dumba$$ at times appearing on a roof when you whistle for him for instance lol. Also the fact that they released a ton of extra downloads for free was just great and the expansions are like actual expansions with 10 to 20 hours of extra gameplay new side quests, new gear,new Witcher contracts. And the storyline of the first DLC Hearts of Stone is just an amzing story in itself with people saying that its better then the original storyline of the game itself. The other DLC Blood and Wine slated to possible come out in June is very promising indeed with a whole other section of the map that you can go to as well in the Hearts of Stone DLC. More area to explore and a couple new monsters!! Awesome. One of the best RPGs ive played in a long time id say and most definatelt worth your money to play im sure this game looks absolutely amazing on PC too. All id have to say is BUY THIS GAME and enjoy getting lost in the World of Geralt of Rivia. Also the books are a great read too I havnt finished the Last Wish but I cant seem to put it down and if your a fan I would definately say you should read the books it will shine some light on some of the other characters stories and how Geralt meet them and the lore in the Witcher Universe.
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