The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is, hands down, a technical masterpiece by CD Projekt Red. Released in 2015, this game brought a lot of gamers the gaming experience we all needed. And that is slaying monsters in a vast world consisting of six regions each with varying population, quests, activities, landscapes, soundtracks, characters and more.
Witcher 3 brings us the RPG experience we all needed. The very first of the multiple positive things in this game that comes to one's mind, is the beautifully composed soundtracks that features the game. This game consists of more than 50 soundtracks, each compiling with combat, cutscenes, moments and hunting. The main theme is one of the best soundtracks any game has ever had in gaming history.
Combat is witcher 3 is very immersive, impressive, varying and fun! Accompanying with your one steel and one silver sword, brings our Monster Slayer's Witcher abilities. The combat feels really open, like it doesn't at all feel limited and close. Your movements are fast, the dodges are swift, the attacking is effective and slaying monsters is badass!
The world design and the character design is, as always, impressive. The amount of detail put into Geralt just steals your gaze to look at him (not homo though lol). The size of the map and amount of detail is amazing, specially when your riding your horse through the blazing wind during a storm. The atmosphere and the animations of props just make the world realistic.
The story is really really good. All of the witcher lore can literally be found in this very game! The interactions ,both physically and mentally, with Triss and Yennefer is amazing. <3 You are on a quest to find Ciri who is being hunted by the Wild Hunt. But we all know, who is going to become the hunted..
The amount of content put into witcher 3 is overwhelming. Specially the amount of side quests. However, The only con that somewhat disrupts the fun of witcher 3 is the quest design. Most of the quests are either fetching something or talking to someone or investigating murders. Very little combat is perceived in the beginning, but as it proceeds, the combat becomes immersive, fun and amazing.
FINAL VERDICT: Witcher 3 is not a only a masterpiece by CD Projekt Red, but a masterpiece in all of gaming history. It really captures that 'badass' feeling in your gut and the 'fun' is undeniably ... well.. fun. This game is more successful than it's ancestors, more effort has been put, more content has been added, more weapons to discover, more beasts to slay.
To me, Witcher 3 is undoubtedly an easy 10/10. Yeah, it easily could've been a 9/10 because of the bland quest design, both main and side. But since it's a franchise I've always adored. I just cant deny giving it a 10. In spite of that, this right here, is a technical masterpiece indeed.