Good game for role players... yes it has its flaws but still great history, great characters, great visuals and audio
The character are real, and I mean real. Not the all for the good wannabe-heros we are used to. The personalities are very difined. The choises system helps give more depht to the role playing.
The visuals are extremelly good. You can stand for hours just looking at the rivers, mountains and roads. The world is so vast it wont let you get tired of walking in it. And since there is a lot of walking this is game, thats a real good thing. The dungeons can be repetitive thou, and because of this, I sometimes forgot where i was and had to check the map to remember the name of the dungeon. There is a lack of expresions on the facials but hey... this is still a video game with CG characters and not real actors. Allthough, the movement are very close to those of the real world people.
The music is fine, nice tunes, kinda epic. The Sounds are fine too.
The game play is actually the one REAL flaw of the game. Its hard to control the dude. And the fighting system is innovatine but you cant really control it.
The history is really good, and you dont need to know the books to find the special magic arround it. But of course, if you do know the books you get really familiar with the scenarios. It is very mature driven and have issues like racism, sex, witchcraft, government corruption, and more.
Well the choises system, could use more work on it. Since you can alter the course of the history by the choises u make, but only in two directions, and not really alter much in the game.
I have to say its a great game, but only for those that like RPGs. Its a game thats have been created by Role Players for Role Players, as they say.
I like it very much. For the first time you can get to sleep with the girl you talk to. jejeje