A very good game with a good story and main play but with some minor problems.

User Rating: 9 | The Witcher PC
The game himself is good but there are a some minor problems:

The first problem is when you are fighting you always ear a voice that is suppose to be the guy making fighting noises, but when you ear the noises they sound like a guy in the toilet making a dump.

The second is evolve the character: the evolve part is like all RPGĀ“s, you gain enough experience and you evolve, but when you go to the part of envolve your powers you get a bit confused because the only thing they said is that you envolve your powers with talents points, then you need to discover what the other things are. And also the fact that are different powers to two swords the Steel sword and the Iron sword.

But despite that is a good game with good graphics to the year 2007 and a good story that we can say that's a good RPG.