Heavily action-oriented RPG accompanied by a great story that hooks you in.

User Rating: 8.5 | The Witcher PC
It's basically a solo adventure and unlike most RPGs wherein you take control of more than 1 player. The battle mechanics are sort of new in the sense that incessant clicking will get you killed. The battle system takes just a short while to get used to but integrating melee combat with alchemy takes a bit of cerebral work to fully be an effective swordsman. No bows and arrows here people.

IMO, the graphics and battle mechanics are second only to the story. The protaganist, Geralt, influences how your own experience of the story turns out as choices you make will permanently change the story arc as you go. So in a way, the game isn't completely linear, just somewhat linear since whacking the bad guy at the end is inevitable for all the alternate paths. The dialogue may not be perfect, but the way the game makes you choose between paths that are not exactly choosing just between what is right or wrong, or good or bad, is a very enjoyable way of imparting your own biases into the game and this in itself is really part of the whole immersion experience into the game.

Overall, the game is very good, but could have been better if the almost-game-breaking glitches were ironed out and if the translation was done better. But those small nuisances are really a small part of the game and sometimes are not even encountered at all by some which makes the overall experience extremely enjoyable.