Hands down, the best RPG on the DS.
User Rating: 9.5 | Subarashiki Kono Sekai: It's A Wonderful World DS
The World Ends With You is not your average rpg experience, and that's a good thing. I honestly didn't like it at first, but it grew on me. The gameplay is fun enough not to get repetitive, and completely brings out all of the stylus's functions. It takes a little getting used to though, It can become quite hard at times, because this game requires you to control both Neku, your main character who fights on the bottom screen, and his partner (either Shiki, Joshua, or Beat) on the top screen. If you want to avoid this though, there is an option that allows the character on the top screen to fight automatically, so you dont have to control them at all. You use your stylus to activate these things called "pins" to bring out specific attacks. Such as, drawing circles to create fire , etc. There are a ton of pins to collect, so gameplay wont be the same thing over and over again. The story is amazingly good, and the characters are great as well.
The graphics, although a little retro, are still great.
closing comment : Buy this game! This is an rpg you wont soon forget.