An example of an original IP rockin'!

User Rating: 9.5 | Subarashiki Kono Sekai: It's A Wonderful World DS
We all know Spuare-Enix as those guys who are responsible for the "Final Fantasy" series. I'm not a real fan of the series, since it's the same format. (Fantasy World with nonexistant creatures.) Now I see this new RPG that looks pretty damn good. It's called "The World Ends with You" When I looked at the Previews for it, I thought it looked pretty decent. I got a bit turned off because of the use of both the touch screen & buttons. I bought it, however, & I loved every minute of it. Instead of it taking place in a Fantasy world in the year who knows when, It takes place in Shibuya Tokyo in 2007-2008. (Kudos to Square for keeping it like the original.) We follow this antisocial dic-uh I mean jerk named Neku, who wakes up in Shibuya's Scramble Crossing. He finds a pin and wonders about it. It appears he can read minds with it. He checks his cell phone with a message saying to meet at 104 with a time limit. If he fails, he'll face erasure. After meeting with a girl named Shiki, they go and take on the Noise, the evil creatures in this game. I won't tell you anymore of the story due to spoilers & time constraints. Anyway, The World Ends with You is a real time RPG where you use both screens for combat. (You can use autoplay for the top.) You control Neku with the touch screen & your partner with the top screen. It's overwhelming, but it get's the job done. the characters are real awesone. Besides Neku, there's Shiki, a girl who wants Neku to open up more, Beat, this street talking dude who's pretty cool with his board, Rhyme, Beat's partner, & Joshua, the mysterious character. the main enemies are Noise & Reapers. (Part of which is called "the Reaper's Game") The customization system is based on the trends of fasion & pins are used as your weapons. The music is badass at best, & there's also a shop system, where if you buy enough stuff, you'll get more friendly with the shopkeeper. The difficulty can be hard when you let it, & you'll have to continue & remember to save. It's okay, however, because It'll be worth it. Anyway, The World Ends with you is an awesome new original IP that anyone with a DS should get. If you are an RPG fan, get it for your collection. either way, play it. You'll be glad you did!