Final Fantasy isn't the only good RPG Square Enix makes.

User Rating: 9.5 | Subarashiki Kono Sekai: It's A Wonderful World DS
I found this game to be awesome. Just that summerizes my whole review.

Even though you may think the formula is weird ( I mean teenagers hurting animals?), this RPG is definitely worth the money. I think it's one of the best DS games ever too.

Thsi game will at first seem weird, and so will the battle system. No need to fret because you will eventually get good at it, and the story will entangle you into it's imaginary world.

The story is nothing short of a masterpiece. It really gets you, and makes you think. The story is so unpreidctable, and by the time you finish it, you're head will have exploded from the epicness.

Now, the battle system is what DS owners feared the most when it first came out: playing 2 games at one time. Although you may suck at first, you will get better. Also, the boss battles are pretty interesting.

For me, I think no self-respecting DS owner should be caught did without this game. Stop reading this review and go buy it.