Too bizarre to be good.
If the above sentence makes you say, "hey, I love shopping in Japanese boutiques looking for plaid dresses that have secret abilities such as raising my hit points!" then congratulations, you've found a nifty game for yourself. Dno't get me wrong, I love RPGs as much as the next guy, though I've always been a little hard on the JRPGs as a whole. This, however, is more "twitchy" and requires you to micromanage your outfits along with your "button" which basically are different attack types which you must couple with the stylus to defeat "noise" which are basically monsters. Got it? Good.
The story is almost unique, and the sound is cutesy pop tunes which actually aren't bad. As usual from Square, there's way too much useless dialogue, made all the worse by it being delivered by angst-filled teenagers.
I eventually sold the game back. It's well-put together, has lots of appeal to those that like this kind of thing, but it just wasn't for me. Maybe I'm getting old.