Great Characters, Story and a unique combat system gives this game a 9.0 from me.

User Rating: 9 | Subarashiki Kono Sekai: It's A Wonderful World DS
Square Enix leads the way with RPGs on consoles. Final Fantasy, Star Ocean the list goes on. But with The World Ends With You; Square Enix seemed to have created something fresh and unique.
The Story is amazing. I personally thought it was the best bit. Its not so much a story driven game but the story line is just...
The combat system has a whole new take on the DS's functions. It makes good use of the Touch Screen sadly pins clash a lot throughout the game. The boss battles are so much fun, even on easy difficulty they put up a decent brawl.
The only thing that annoyed me about this game was the Voicing...
The voice overs where amazing don't get me wrong. But in combat the same taunts flung at each other over and over again, this is a minor flaw but still it can get on your nerves when fighting bosses which take a long time to finish off.

Gameplay: 3/5
Graphics: N/A*
Story: 5/5
Uniqueness: 4.5/5

*I don't normally rate DS games' graphics