If you are an X-Files fan, you can't miss that game, especially if you only got a pc.
Graphic: The cool part about fmv game is that you can't say that the graphic are outdated, since its like watching tv, although the picture where you need to search your clue are a little blurry and could use a better resolution than 640/480. You can see though that the game is not a cheap attempt to pack something disjointed, the scene are very good and well detailled. You will even see some explosions at one point. I would say that the quality of the scene are about the same you would expect from a normal X-files episode.
The acting in the game range from pathetic to good. The guy who play Craig Willmore (the character you play) is bad at the begin (he looks nervous, especially with the scene with Skinner), but become more interesting to watch after a while. The feminine agent that you will follow you after first act is one of the worst actress I've seen in my life, you can clearly see that the dev wanted to add another scully-like character to team with you so you would forget that you are not playing a mulding/scully combo. The rest of the *unknown* cast is good (except Cook) and this is surprising.
Since the game was made during the filming of the season 5 of the X-files and the first X-files movie, its not surprising that you will not see Mulder and Scully a lot during the game, but during your adventure you will meet pretty much all the important character from the show. Like Skinner, who is doing a nice acting job overall, the lone gunman ( very funny scene with Frohike at the begin), the cigarette man (who only appear for a big 3 seconds if you trigger your own death at a certain point... Disappointing, since this is my favorite character of the show and even more when you start thinking why did they bother to bring him to this place and pay him to do his 3 seconds of movie.). At the end, you will finally see Gillian Anderson as Scully (who seems extremely annoyed and/or bored ) and Duchovny as Mulder who is surprisingly doing a good acting job (but when you consider that Duchovny love video game in real life, this is not surprising that he was motivated to do this job). The sound is great, you will not hear a lot of music, but the sound effects are great. Actually in Willmore appart you can hear a weird song about UFO.
Value: The game pack about 10-15 hours of gameplay, more if you get stuck in some part of the game. Since you can get the game on ebay for next to nothing ( I got mine for 10 $), its truly worth it.
I think the game highest point is the athmosphere. You really feel that you are an FBI agent and you can easely roleplay in this game. The game want you to live in the shoes of Willmore, by adding some random thing about his life in his apart. The game also immerse you in the whole x-files universe by adding ton of eastern egg.